Cookie Clicker

Cookie Clicker is a amazingly addictive pointless game on the apple App Store. All you do is click a cookie to get cookies to buy things that get you more cookies, and you get nothing in return except for virtual non-tasteful cookies. When you play it you click a fake cookie and it gives you 1 cookie. Then you can buy things that let you get cookies without clicking, but it is always more affective if you click the cookie. I would say not to get this app because it is a waste of time, and once you click you never stop clicking.

My Love for Lacrosse

My favorite sport is lacrosse, I started playing in third grade and I have loved it ever since. My favorite part about it is

GL Lax Edit75
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Tom via Compfight


that it is a full contact sport but you don’t always get hit.
It is a very small sport so you know all of the people that play it in your town. Many people don’t know that lacrosse is the fastest growing sport in America right now, which I am very happy about. Overall my love for lax is taking over my life and right now I’m okay with that.