Halloween Front Porch

As the little boy sprints house to house like a cross country runner, he gathers all the candy he can get. Then he gets to the ultimate house, the scariest of the scariest, the Taunter his friends called it. Flowing with cobwebs and a Skelton that he wasn’t to sure if it was a decoration.

He took 1 step and looked back nothin’.”Thank goodness.” As he saw some beady eyes the door slid open and a dark figure arose, and it was a tall witch was standing with a kingsize Snickers in her hand.

Cookie Clicker

Cookie Clicker is a amazingly addictive pointless game on the apple App Store. All you do is click a cookie to get cookies to buy things that get you more cookies, and you get nothing in return except for virtual non-tasteful cookies. When you play it you click a fake cookie and it gives you 1 cookie. Then you can buy things that let you get cookies without clicking, but it is always more affective if you click the cookie. I would say not to get this app because it is a waste of time, and once you click you never stop clicking.